San Francisco. The lobby @ The Dakota.
Well friends, the adventure is just about at an end. Yesterday I had a bottle of Snapple. Didn't like fruity.I have about 30 minutes before my shuttle comes to take me to the airport so I can fly home and into the bosom of my friends and family. Today was all about killing time and so i saw a couple of movies, had some lunch and that was pretty much it. I saw Flags of our fathers, that was a good movie. Quite moving. Also saw Little Children, Kate Winslet. Fantastic film, highly recommended. So here I am, (heavy) bags packed, mixed feelings about leaving although glad to be on my way home. I met a couple of Kiwi guys this morning who just arrived yesterday. really nice guys who are spending 3 months here, going to tahoe to do some snowboarding and just travelling around. We had a good chat about where to go and what to do. It's a shame I didn't meet these guys a few days ago. Could have had someone to hang round with, have a drink whatever. Oh well. So, I have survived my near-death experience and have seen some wonderful things and some not so wonderful. What a contrast. One day surrounded by the majesty of Yosemite and then back to LA where life is ruled by commerce, greed and celebrity, and then there was the serenity and haunting beauty of death valley at sunset at odds with the constant visions of homlessness and desperation I witnessed here in San Franciso. Encountering the sheer numbers of homeless in this city makes you feel that humanity has been sheared from everyday life. I guess this is necessary otherwise you would never get through a day here without emptying your pockets to these people and still know that at the end of the day you have made not a whit of difference. Very sad but, you go on. I'm really glad I did this trip. It has given me some marvellous moments that I will cherish. I don't think I'm any wiser or more worldly for doing it but nevertheless, I know it will have a lasting value. So there it is. Thanks to all of you who read this and followed my stumbling adventures, providing and audience for my ramblings. I won't bore you with photos when I get home unless you specifically ask to see them. i know there's nothing more boring than other peoples holiday snaps. next post will undoubtably be from Home so, until then bless you all and see you very soon! Love, M.
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